Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cubicle Sweet Cubicle

I did my time in an office... I know, I know... sounds like I'm bemoaning working in an office like it's a jail term, and having spent over 25 years in an office environment there were definitely days (especially towards the end of my office career) that I felt that way, but for the most part I've always loved my jobs! Times have definitely changed since my first real office job back in 1976 - my kids are amazed when I tell them about the dress codes and attendance policies that were in place back then, not to mention the pay scales! When it comes down to it, I probably spent much more time in the office (or getting to it) than I did at home and awake. Since work spaces and places take such a prominent place in most peoples' lives, I thought it might be fun to see what Etsy had to make your "cubicle sweet cubicle" just a little more bearable! Here are just a few of my favorites!

Perfect for any boss who works in an office setting where people need to be reminded (or where the boss just likes to make sure everyone remembers) this BOSS Mug / Handmade Wheelthrown Stoneware Pottery from patspottery would make a lovely gift to let your boss know they're boss!

Feeling a bit snarky - or just don't know how to tell someone you really like that "there's an issue"? Check out these Office Violations for annoying colleagues from NeatThings . They just may provide you with the perfect anonymous solution to that office problem child!

Ever wish that your coworkers could read your mind and just know what kind of mood you were in on any given day? Make that possible with this moodie (THE DESKTOP MOODOMETER) available at reuseREDESIGN

Take a break and browse around Etsy and see what else you might be able to find to make your workspace a little bit more fun. And don't forget to answer my poll in the right sidebar!


Victoria said...

Ha ha, I totally understand about the cubicle - I only worked in an office like that for 2 years, but wow did it motivate me to go back to school and do well!

It's not Etsy, but I love this site full of fun cubicle toys:

Boutique By Bonnie said...

Thanks for thinking of those of us still doing our time in the cubicle! I love the one "You Bother Me" except I'd hate to see it show up on MY desk!

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