In case you missed yesterday's post, I've decided to allow you all to take part in how I find items and shops to feature in my blog. I thought it might be fun to select a random hex code (that's the code that your computer assigns to a color) and ask my readers to submit items of that color from their shops to be featured on this blog! I found a great random color generator site (
The RGB Color Calculator - HTML Color HEX Code Generator) and have asked my husband Al to assist by picking a new random color each day (I'd be inclined to keep clicking until I found one I like!). Today's selection appears in the box to the right - and I wish I could guarantee that all the monitors out there would see the color the same way, but I know they won't - so I'm basing my selections on how my monitor picks up the color. The hex code, btw, is #38BD85 and if I had to describe this color I'd say it was a medium jade green!
Here's how it works: If you have an item in your shop that is predominantly that color or in the case of jewelry, is that color plus a metal (and it doesn't necessarily have to be an Etsy shop but the item does have to be handmade, vintage, or a crafting supply),
click here to e-mail me the link to it and I'll check it out. Out of all the links I receive, I'll pick out 3 items to feature on my blog the following day! In the event that I don't receive at least at least 3 entries that meet the criteria, I'll go out looking myself :)
There'll be a new color every day, so be sure to check back often! Now, spread the word, I'm ready to feature your shops!

Yesterday's color was a beautiful shade of greyish blue-green, and I'd like to thank everyone who submitted items for consideration. For the first day and such a unique shade, the response was really good! Here are my choices for items that I thought matched this color the closest!

First up is this great hat from
HatsbyAnne1942 -
Cactus Bloom. This is just one of an amazing variety of colors and styles that you'll find in this great shop on Etsy! I know it's hard to believe, but fall is really just around the corner, so get a jump on your cool weather shopping while the selection is the best!

The next item I selected has some hints of the color of the day in it, and I thought it was such a lovely piece that it warranted a spot here!
Sea Waves is a short summer version of a necklace from
katrinshine on Etsy. The fabric colored beads feature a lovely sea green, cadet blue, and violet. If you prefer a longer version or would like matching earrings, they're also available!

My last selection for this post comes from
RainyDayArt on Etsy. This lovely little
handknit neckwarmer/scarflette is perfect all year round - in winter to shelter your neck from wintry weather and in summer to help keep away those stiff necks from that air conditioning!
I hope you like today's collection of items and that you'll take some time to check out these wonderful artisan shops! I'm looking forward to see all of those jade green goodies for tomorrow's post!
Cool post! Thanks for featuring my scarflette!
That is a very cool concept for choosing items! lots of fun!
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