Monday, April 5, 2010

New Weekly Feature

For those of you who have been following my blog for awhile, you may have noticed that I've added a new blog badge to my left sidebar. Yes, 'tis true, I've joined another Etsy team - the BESTeam (Boosting Etsy Shops Team) It might be hard to tell, but I love promoting my fellow Etsians (ok, if you haven't realized that yet, ummm... hellooooooo!) One of the things that drew me to this particular team is that they promote fellow team members through blog features... and each Sunday, a new list is posted and each of us are given a teammate to feature on our blogs, so each Monday I'll be featuring a member shop of the BESTeam!

This week, I'm pleased to be featuring Ardna's Sac (aka claycass). Unusual name for a shop, you're probably thinking... at least I knew I was. But then I read the shop profile - and the shop owner, Cassandra, probably had a pretty easy time coming up with the name - because it's simply "Cassandra" spelled backwards. Pretty clever, don'tcha think?

Cassandra is primarily a polymer clay artisan specializing in jewelry, although you will find some lovely button collages and beautiful beaded jewelry items in her shop as well as some other items incorporating polymer clay as her medium of choice.

One of the first items at Ardna's Sac that caught my eye was this striking Easter Island Face Pin. I'll admit I have a fascination with the Easter Island faces - huge stone monoliths dating back hundreds of years. Cassandra has captured the unique Polynesian artistry of those faces beautifully in this pin!

This sweet little "Picnic Anyone" pin is a lovely example of Cassandra's knack for creating button collages and turning them into fun and fabulous jewelry pieces. With warmer weather in the prospects, this collage pin would make an adorably cute addition to anyone's casual jewelry collection!

I hope you'll take a few moments to browse through Ardna's Sac and Cassandra's collection of artisan handcrafted designs. Cassandra also has a companion blog for her shop - Polymer Clay and Jewelry where she discusses techniques and designs in polyclay, and also features a number of great fellow Etsians!


Anonymous said...

Love clayclass' work! She's so creative and this is a great feature!

Claycass said...

This is a great feature! I want to thank you for doing such an outstanding job, promoting my shop.

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