With items like this rustic this Snowflakes -winter white handmade afghan, At the edge of the timber-two elk flannel pillow , or even this Turtle medicine bag-beaded by Northernlodge, you're sure to find something perfect for yourself or someone special to you!

Before I go into the details about how earn a chance to win your gift certificate, I'd like to take the opportunity to share a little of what I've learned about Patti and her log cabin life in Colorado...

Family is first and foremost to me. I'm the mom of four kids-three I birthed, and one who "adopted" us. I'm extremely proud of all my children and their life paths.
This past November, I achieved a life long goal of opening a store. With the help of two wonderful friends, we've opened a store called North by Southwest at the base of
I hope to make a website soon for the store..and THAT will test my computer skills or lack thereof.
I also asked Patti to share a little bit about herself through some "interview" questions - these are her answers to my curiosities!
If you could have lunch with anyone (presently living or from the past), who would it be and what would you talk about? My dad, who left this earth two years ago for new adventures. I would ask him what adventures await us on the “other side” and if they have bigger blueberries and better fishing over there. And then we would have some great discussions about “new stuff” we have learned or discuss the new books we’ve read since we last talked. The Dali Lama would be a close second though...especially since now he has decided to include Science as part of the training monks receive.
When you're not being artistically creative, what do you like to do to pass the time? WHAT?? You mean you can take a break from the creative process? I love to hike but even then I’m writing poetry in my head and taking photos with my brain as I walk through the woods. Love to garden, but that is a creative process for me as well-working with textures, colours, and space. Avid birder and fishing woman. Pretty much love anything which involves the great outdoors! Sometimes I sit still enough to read.
Name one thing that not many people know about you. Hmmm…I’m SUCH a blabber mouth that one might be hard…Oh I have it...that I feel guilty about writing in books. Books are so sacred to me that I think it is wrong to deface them by writing in them, and using highlighters in books is just plain uncouth.
If you could be a crayon, what color would you be? No question about it AQUAMARINE...I used to BEG my mom for the big box of Crayola crayons so that I could get aquamarine. I was always sad when I broke that crayon. I even wrote a haiku about aquamarine crayons...I’m a dork what can I say.
What song always makes you happy when you hear it? My Girl by the Temptations. And please don’t laugh at me if you drive by me when that song is playing and I’m dancing in my car.
You've been asked to put an item of your choice in a time capsule, to be opened in 100 years. What do you put in it and why? A teenager... why? Because they know everything. Seriously, I would record a CD with songs from various genre because I think music is always reflective of the current culture.
Now that you know a little more about Patti, let's work on telling you how to enter this great giveaway!
Entry criteria for this great giveaway-
1 entry for visiting NorthernLodge and then posting and commenting on a favorite item
1 entry for visiting Patti's second shop CabinWindows and then posting and commenting on a favorite item
1 entry for visiting Patti's daughter's shop TheOlivePit and then posting and commenting on a favorite item
1 entry each for following Patti on facebook
2 entries per purchase at any of the three shops - NorthernLodge, CabinWindows, or TheOlivePit.
1 entry for following my blog here on Mysticwynd
1 entry for following MysticWynd on Twitter (http://twitter.com/mysticwynd)
1 entry for following MysticWynd on Facebook (http://facebook.com/mysticwynd)
Easy-peasy with LOTS of opportunities to win! Just be sure to include a way of contacting you - cuz I get a bit grumpy when I have to go tracking down winners ;)
Now for the business end... Entries will be accepted with a posting timestamp prior to 12:00 midnight MST on March 31st and I'll be picking a winner at noon MST on Thursday, April 1, 2010. Just as an FYI, this giveaway is open worldwide (unless you live in an area where this type of giveaway is prohibited! Winner is responsible for any taxes, duties, and/or compliance with local laws.) A hard-copy gift certificate will be mailed to you within 48 hours or if you would prefer an electronic version, that can be sent within 24 hours via e-mail.
Good luck and happy shopping!
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»THANKS to mysticwynd for this WONDERFUL blog..when I grow up I too shall have computer skills...lol
Beautiful JOB...
Please come visit me soon..I've got the coffee and pie ready!
Patti of Northernlodge
WOW! I can't believe the prices in this shop-- for such amazing work! Ok, find a single favorite...
How about the Turtle Medicine bag?
I love how much thought and personality clearly go into each bag- and Turtle is sort of a dream-creature of mine, showing up a lot and always giving good advice. So I'd be very happy to carry one!
Also, it gave me a happy moment to see my Spring Oak on your blog. Glee!
Anonymous?!? I'm all logged in!
Ok, the Turtle Medicine bag post was me, Carapace-
And I'd edit it but I'm not being allowed! Arrrgh!
So I'll just post my favorite thing from The Olive Pit, this Grass Green and Mocha hat:
Annnd now I'm showing. Weird. Eerie.
But my favorite thing from Cabin Windows is very down to earth, this awesome tackle box!
The make the BEST art boxes!
And of course I follow this blog!
What a wonderful feature!
I am following this blog.
I am following mystic on twitter.
I am a fan of mystic on Facebook.
I am now off to check out Patti's stuff!
Wow! you have so many beautiful items! I love this quilt!
From Northernlodge, I like the Cafe au Lait afghan.
logan 4301 @ yahoo .com
From Cabin Wind, I like the Bavarian made Mitterteich china tea pot.
logan 4301 @ yahoo .com
Blog follower
logan 4301 @ yahoo .com
From the Olive Pit, I like the Grass green and mocha vintage hat.
logan 4301 @ yahoo.com
Hello! Thanks for the great giveaway!
From the Northern Lodge shop, I really love the afghans! My favorite is the sage afghan:
The Cabin Windows shop has such a neat theme! I love the Tea pot:
At the olive pit, I love the schoolgirl vintage beret:
My fave item from the Northern Lodge is::
how 'bout them cowl girls...hood style cowl. So cool.
Amy (artsyrockerchick@aim.com)
From Cabin Windows I like::
Retro from the get go-yellow grey black and white vintage apron
So pretty.
Amy (artsyrockerchick@aim.com)
From the Olive Pit I love all the hats, but especially the Pistachio Vintage hat!
Amy (artsyrockerchick@aim.com)
My favorite item from Northern Lodge is the rag quilt!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My favorite item from Cabin Windows is the granny square vintage afghan
Thank you for the giveaway :)
My favorite item from The Olive Pit is the Raven, vintage hat!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I follow Mystic Wynd with google friend connect!
Thank you for the giveaway :)
I love the "little cabin pillow."
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
From her second shop, I love the not a lotta crock: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=33726176.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
From the Olive Pit, I love the vintage cream kid gloves: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=31723647.
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com
Beautiful write-up on NorthernLodge. Beautiful treasures in her shop.
Love the cabin! I really like the Autumn walk-blended yarn scarf and hat combination. Thanks!
I love the Christmas stocking pillow. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=18050822
bethnaf at hotmail dot com
From Cabin Windows, I love the retro apron: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=30477571
bethnaf at hotmail dot com
I like the vintage cream gloves from the Olive Pit: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=31723647
bethnaf at hotmail dot com
From NorthernLodge, I love the tweed look cowl.
From Cabin Windows, I love the antique cobalt blue glass car headlamp. Beautiful color!
From The Olive Pit, I love the Moon Dreams vintage celestial design earrings and necklace. I love dangle earrings!
I like the Two tone beige angel hair yarn hat from Northernlodge.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I like the Merry go round carousel cake decorator set from Cabin Windows.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I like the School girl vintage beret from The Olive Pit.
urchiken at gmail dot com
I like the horse applique pillow :)
My favourite item is her Spring fever multiple greens cowl. Love it so much.
Favourite item from her cabin windows shop is her wooden magazine holder.
My favourite item from olive's shop is the School girl vintage beret.
I'm a follower!
following you on twitter!
I'm a facebook fan! (my name is the same as my email)
I love any of the afghans or throws!
I like the Walk in the Woods wool moose pillow. I saw a male moose at the Grand Tetons and it was the highlight of my vacation last summer!
I like the Horse Applique Pillow.
I like the What a Crock vase!
I like the Autumn walk-blended yarn scarf and hat combination.
I'm a complete cat and pillow freak so this was my pick!
Ya know, the school girl beret from your daughters shop is Awesome!
I'm a vintage freak, and your country vintage is soooo authentic!
I'm loving this penguin!
I like the Vanilla Latte scarf, it looks so soft and warm! http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=35160691
I love the beaded turtle medicine bag.
My favourite item from Northern Lodge the is the Two tone beige angel hair yarn hat
Email: sweetfantasystar@hotmail.com
My favourite item from Cabin windows is the cookie cutter primitive heart shape
Email: sweetfantasystar@hotmail.com
My favourite item from The olive pit is the Night on the town-beaded vintage hand bag
Email: sweetfantasystar@hotmail.com
I follow your blog :)
Email: sweetfantasystar@hotmail.com
I follow mysticwynd on twitter as ArtsyImage :)
Email: sweetfantasystar@hotmail.com
I love the "At the Edge of the Timber" pillow.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
From Patti's second shop, I love the bowl:
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
From the Olive Pit, I love the Black Beauty hat:
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
I follow your blog via Google Friends Connect.
pippirose59 at gmail dot com
the harvest series black cat pillow is too cute for words :)
The snowflake afghan is gorgeous!
I love the Autumn harvest-blended yarn scarf by Northernlodge!
srobinson8561 at bryan.edu
The vintage hat with scarlet flowers from the olive pit is beautiful!
srobinson8561 at bryan.edu
I love the white and black enamelware pot by cabinwindows!
srobinson8561 at bryan.edu
I'm following via google friends.
I like the black in between green hat scarf combo @ northern lodge. Very nice and suitable for matching too.
I like the black n white enamelware pot @ cabin windows.
I also like the choc brown felted vintage hat @ the olive pit. So classic! Reminds me of Audrey Hepburn.
I am now following this blog. I also follow Patti home everynight. Do I get points for that?
I absolutely adore Patti and her daughter Jaryl (my favorite teenager in the whole world).
I visit her shops daily and drool but I'll go visit again. See Ya!
My favorite item is her twice loved lion. All the proceeds from Patti's twice loved animals go to help Native Americans living in poverty.
Patti's cowboy suitcase in her cabinwindows shop is my favorite item. That's how I met this awesome lady. I put the suitcase in one of my treauries. I haven't been able to shake her since that treasury.
I am already a follower of Patti on Facebook and Twitter and daily supportive messages to each other
Is the coffee and pie still hot, Patti?
Love ya!
Gotta hav that cashmere coat from Jaryl at theolivepit!
I'd like the pillow if that is possible :)
ice set of giveaways.
woodtrail & soft earth crochet hat!
rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com
the vintage teapot from cabin windows :)
rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com
moon dreams earrings & necklace from TheOlivePit!
rmaslow a@t yahoo d.ot com
I like the leather pouch
I like the White enamelware basin from her 2nd shop
I like the Vintage mink hat...At last Etta James vintage mink hat from her daughter's shop
follow patti on FB (lena naef)
follow your blog on Mysticwynd
follow MysticWynd on Facebook (lena naef)
Love the harvest series pillows with the black cat.
gr8kidsgr8fam at yahoo dot com
I really like the wild west cowboy suitcase...fantastic.
gr8kidsgr8fam at yahoo dot com
I thought the celestial earrings and necklace were wonderful, such detail.
gr8kidsgr8fam at yahoo dot com
I like the grass green/mocha hat from olive pit the best.
my fave from Northern Lodge: Autumn Leaves scarf!
fave from Cabin Windows: Night at the Opera vintage opera glasses. you don't see that often!
fave from the Olive Pit: Grass green and mocha vintage hat. i could rock that baby!
following you with twitter! @FlamingBlingy
Ohhhh I love the beige angel yarn hat!Great cabin!
The "how 'bout them cowl girls...hood style cowl" is super cute.
OMG! The vintage creamer in the photo on page 5 of the shop is the exact pattern as my silverplated tea set! If anyone wants info, I bought my set in the early 1980's, and haven't seen another since.
Thanks for the little burst of serendipity!
The neatest item I saw at NorthernLodge is the white sand and seashells afghan. Looks so warm and comfy!
writeme at heidimail dot com
From CabinWindows I really liked the night at the opera vintage opera glasses. So neat!
writeme at heidimail dot com
My favorite thing at TheOlivePit was N the night on the town-beaded vintage hand bag. Now that is beautiful!
writeme at heidimail dot com
I love this:
The "All About Blue" afghan would exactly match my favorite reading chair--so cozy!
Thanks for the chance to win!
ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com
I really like this
And this
I am especially fond of this
This cowl is so just what I NEED!!
I am off in search of Patties fanpage now
I am following your blog and fanpage... I left you a link their for mine as well =0)
ms (dot) verymarried (at) gmail (dot) com
Oh my gosh - this looks so comfy: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=42019848
ms (dot) verymarried (at) gmail (dot) com
that's so pretty - i looks like something my great grandma has!
ms (dot) verymarried (at) gmail (dot) com
i love this handbag!
I love Northern Lodge's What a Crock item!
From Cabin Windows, I really like the white and black enamelware pot
From The Olive Pit, I love the Cafe au-lait vintage hat!
I loved the cute teddy bear!
I'm following this blog!!
I like the "rose bowl"!
I love the Vintage gloves!
I love the---Cabin sweet cabin rag pillow sham.
Would be appropriate on any pillow.
What could make me feel this way? My girl, my girl.. My girl. =)
This is my favorite item: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=23326263
Good interview!
I love this at her other shop:
I like this at her daughters shop:
twitter follow you with @timesurge
OMG, I can't believe they have the vintage egg beater!!
my favorite item from CabinWindows is the yellow grey black and white vintage apron.
my favorite item from The Olive Pit is the Cashmere wool chocolate brown woman's coat.
There is a lot of wonderful things...I love the "how 'bout them cowl girls...hood style cowl"
Snowflakes -winter white handmade afghan is my favorite. Also love the tic tac toe game
Oh I would just *die* for this: A view through the trees-handmade bamboo yarn afghan @ http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=31872908
I have autism and heavy, soft things help me calm down and focus well. I love the feel of bamboo, and this afghan just makes me warm looking at it. I am unable to work, so to pay $75 (which I would LOVE to do) would be very very difficult for me, but with with winning the gift card?! Wow, that would be a true gift. I will also follow the blog and follow on twitter.
Thank you for this opportunity to enter this giveaway.
At CabinWindows, I like this item a lot!
Retro from the get go-yellow grey black and white vintage apron
It's so charming! It reminds me of an apron my grandmother would wear when she baked. She is no longer with us, as are her aprons also gone, but this one is a cute reminder.
At the OlivePit, I like this unassuming item:
School girl vintage beret
I have the perfect outfit for this lovely demure beret!
Oh, sorry, I hope you were able to see my email. The last three posts were from subgirl(at)gmail(dot)com
I have also followed Mystic Wynd on twitter (username subgirl) as well as followed the blog (subgirl(at)gmail(dot)com)
I hope that works!
i love the home sweet cabin patchwork pillows. I love the colors
i love the red and white enamel bowl from her second shop
i like the night out on the town bag from the olive pit
My favorite item in the Northernlodge shop is Autumn walk-blended yarn scarf and hat combination.
cspmom at gmail dot com
My favorite item in cabinwindows shop is the Retro nut grinder-yellow and white.
cspmom at gmail dot com
My favorite item in The OlivePit shop is the Night on the town-beaded vintage hand bag from TheOlivePit.
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow Patty on facebook.
cspmom at gmail dot com
I follow you on twitter.
cspmom at gmail dot com
I am a fan on facebook.
cspmom at gmail dot com
Beautiful things! From Northernlodge I love the Autumn walk blended yarn scarf and hat, love the colors and work in these
From cabinwindow's shop, love the vintage rose vase with plate
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
From the OlivePit's shop love the school girl vintage beret
cathyhorner at embarqmail dot com
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I love the leather pouch from the Northern Lodge!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I love the Floral Embroidered Pillowcases from Cabinwindows!
Christina - xristya@rock.com - I love the Vintage Cream Kid Gloves from The Olive Pit!
From Northern Lodge I love 'Vintage picnic basket'. khaski78 at hotmail dot com
From Cabin Windows I best love 'Butterfly garden dresser linen'. khaski78 at hotmail dot com
From the Olive Pit I love '
Cashmere wool chocolate brown woman's coat' (champagne taste, beer budget, me). khaski78 at hotmail dot com
I follow via google. khaski78 at hotmail dot com
Love this pillow
This bowl is great:
I visited NorthernLodge and love the Woodtrail and soft earth crochet hat.
jentam777 AT gmail DOT com
Northern Lodge: Walk in the woods-wool moose pillow
CABIN WINDOWS: Night at the opera vintage opera glasses
Night on the town-beaded vintage hand bag from TheOlivePit
i love the cabin sweet cabin pillowcases at northern lodge
i like the wooden rolling pin on cabin windows
i like the vintage schoolgirl hat at olive pic
i sent patti a friend request on facebook
jenn giannetto
i follow your blog
i follow you on twitter
i am a facebook fan of yours
jenn giannetto
You have a colorful and interesting blog. I am now a follower. It was hard to pick my favorite item from this shop, but I like cats and this pillow is awesome. http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=29264826
Thanks for putting in two entries for me. :o)
I love the
Cumulus nimbus-all natural fiber afghan.
jswandrn at gmail
I absolutely love the afghans! I'm having trouble deciding my favorite, but I think it might be the Stones in the Creek Afghan! It's beautiful!
jnrjhanson at msn.com
The Periwinkle hat is my favorite! Thanks for the chance. I am a new follower, great blog.
Fab giveaway! I love this baby quilt from her shop: http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37757797 Would be perfect for my friends upcoming twin boys!
My favorite from Northern Lodge is Autumn Leaves- a blended yarn scarf.
My favorite from The Olive Pit is Vintage Hat in Pistachio.
My favorite from the Cabins WIndow is the Pinecone Pitcher.
I follow Mystic Wynd on Google Friends as Sabrita.
I love the Autumn harvest blended yarn scarf in Northern Lodge's shop:
The colors are beautiful!!
Dana W.
The Olive Pit: I gotta go with a bunch of other folk and name the cashmere coat (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=41215750). Man, that's pretty!
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
D'oh! My first comment was a lovely example of not paying attention to what the heck I was doing, was it not? Allow me to fix:
Northern Lodge: I love the Wolf Walk quilt (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37757797) and might just have to get one with kitty footprints instead. :)
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
As for Cabin Windows...I was in the marching band in high school and college, so of course I had to go with the marching band figures (http://www.etsy.com/view_listing.php?listing_id=37846070)! What's not to love?
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
I have sent Patti a friend request on FB!
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
I follow your blog via Google Friend Connect (I _think_ as geffroi but I'm not sure how that shows up).
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
I follow you on Twitter! (Okay, already was, as omshantihand.)
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
I have fanned you on FB! (And hearted your etsy shop, not that that gets me an entry, but it seemed the right and proper thing to do.)
You can find me at om.shanti.handcrafts@gmail.com
From NorthernLodge I like the Vanilla latte with extra shot of espresso blended yarn scarf.
From Cabin Windows I like the Vintage Napkins with cherries.
From The Olive Pit I like the Cashmere wool chocolate brown coat.
I love the Stones in the creek afghan! Just beautiful. Thanks!
xmaswoman at hotmail dot com
What fun to go "window shopping"! I love the wolf set in Northern Lodge- great idea!
From Cabin Windows I love the Bavarian teapot! Precious!
From Olive pit, the Off to see the Wizard vintage hat is my favorite by a mile!
i love the Autumn leaves-a blended yarn scarf by Northernlodge
hockiemack at hotmail.com
From Northernlodge-love the Two Hearts Wool Pillow!
Elaine R
From Cabin Windows-love the Pretty In Pink Cream Pitcher.
Elaine R
From The Olive Pit-love the Black Beauty Purse!
Elaine R
I adore this pillow! My Mom's entire house is Cabin decor! She would go crazy over it!
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
This is just too cute! Would love to make some cookies now! :)
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
Wow! This bag is stunning!
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
I follow MysticWind on Twitter!
TaraTagli at gmail dot com
love the Vintage picnic basket
by: Northernlodge
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